John McCain has an excellent staff. Despite the odds, they cleverly maneuvered through Democratic Olympics and Obama's coronation with deftness and expertise. I'm impressed. And then to steal the thunder of the Mr. Obama's magical night by introducing Sarah Palin of Alaska as the Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States of America. Whether you like it or not, its tough to refute the brilliance of the move. As McCain kindly tendered to Obama on his special night, I say to McCain: well done.
I was feeling pretty good about things. It was that "gotcha" experience you always like to have. You know, the way you felt when you finally realized what was going on in The Sixth Sense? So it was very satisfying when McCain pulled Palin out of his hat. But pouring over the blogs on the heals of the announcement, I came across the naysayers. Many were belligerent and attacked with passion. Even another "mother" (like Palin), insisted that Palin was the wrong choice because she lacked experience and could never lead this country when (not if) McCain became incapacitated. I wonder if Pelosi had other reasons for this attack. Did she feel slighted by Obama? I personally think she likes being the most powerful woman in America and Palin is a threat to that status quo.
But there was one attack that caught my eye. A woman derided the Palin choice as politics as usual... an effort by the McCain camp to court Hillary voters. I'm sure that observation was accurate. But then she followed it with this quote: McCain will never get my vote because Palin is pro life... she does not believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. It was an especially panged comment considering that Palin gave birth to a down syndrome child in April. Palin's selfless and courageous decision dwarfs the hundreds and thousands of women who have selfishly and cowardly ended the life of a human being because a woman has a right to choose.
It is interesting that many of the same women, who cavalierly choose to end the life of a human embryo, march hand in hand for PETA, global warming, and endangered species. I find it shocking that it's safer to be born an owl than a human. I wonder if someone should put forth a bill in congress to add humans to the endangered species list. Maybe then unborn humans might have a better chance to breath earth's air, behold its fruited plains, and walk its amber cities. Now, I'm just a Basicguy, but that makes a lot of sense to me.