Saturday, April 19, 2008

Change the Climate on Climate Change

Was I just seeing things? I'm sure my eyes were playing tricks with me, but I thought that was Newt Gingrich sitting with Nancy Pelosi on TV. As I sat recently watching a program on TV, Newt and Nancy appeared on a commercial together. Nancy admitted that the to of them hadn't agreed on much over the years (to which Newt nodded his head in approval), she said there was one thing they both did agree on. Newt then announced that they both agreed on doing something about Global Climate Change. I about died.

You already know how I feel about climate change or global warming (see my blog entry titled: "The Spectacle of Daily Spectacle" on March 20, 2008). It's a scam. Current "real" science does not support such a claim. But the green movement in America, who blame man for all the ills on earth, would have us stall our economy and further indebt our nation to escape the coming climate crisis. Don't buy it. And there he was, Newt Gingrich alongside Nancy, having bought the green line hook, line, and sinker. He had swallowed the whole line and the rod and the reel. Newt, hurry to YouTube and watch The Great Global Warming Swindle before its too late!

If that wasn't enough, the Deseret News reported this morning that Gordon Brown called on the US and Europe "to lead a new era of global 'interdependence' aimed at solving international problems such as terrorism, poverty and climate change" (see Deseret News, Saturday, April 19, 2008, A12). There it was again... climate change. And you can bet that climate change is on his mind because he's bought into the assumption that man is the major contributor of climate change. We are in real trouble when the heads of state start pushing agendas based on fear instead of fact.

Now I know I'm just a Basicguy. I don't have a science degree. But as I listen to other sources besides the mainline media (that do not have an obvious liberal agenda), I'm convinced that the scientific community is not in agreement on this issue. Many do believe that there is evidence of climate change, but there is no evidence that pins it on man. Other natural forces are at work such as, the earth's ecosystem, changes in activity on the sun, and the CO2 created by domestic animals. Even a Basicguy can read. Gore is, and always has been, wrong. There is no scientific consensus on global warming. Basically speaking, we need to change the climate on the climate change discussion.

1 comment:

Ken said...

I think there are many in the Republican Party that feel they need to get on the global warming bandwagon or the party is sunk, when in reality the reason why the party is sinking because so many have traded conservative principles for political expediency. Its sad to see Newt Gingrich turn to the dark side.

I think you are going to see a lot of this happening now that John McCain is steering the party. Its too bad the "straight talk express" veers to the left.