Friday, September 4, 2009

President or Community Organizer?

Is any one else as confused as I am? I've been watching with interest the first few months of Mr. Obama's presidency. I have to tell you that I'm confused. What do I mean? Well, let me make it as simple as I can. When Mr. Obama was voted into office, did we get a president of the United States and servant of the people or a community organizer. It's kind of hard to tell.

When you see this president establish a large staff of Czars who are independent from the cabinet and the congress, you realize that this is not business as usual. In fact, as you consult the Constitution, you begin to wonder just what country Mr. Obama thinks he's in. The only one I can think of is Chicago.

Then this latest episode. It's one thing to want to inspire America's youth to greater educational heights, but quite another to slyly organize them into some nation-wide community youth group. Are America's children in school to serve the president? I imagine if you were to ask most any parent, you'd find that they don't think so.

So, I ask again, what is it that Mr. Obama wants to be, the president or some national or global community organizer? I think the jury is out on this one. As for me, I have been suspicious of this man from the beginning. Since taking office, he has done nothing but to add to the confusion and mystery. At this point, my vote would be, Mr. Obama, go back to Chicago and organize some community there. America and the Executive Branch need to be returned their foundation, the Constitution and free enterprise.

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