Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State of the Union or Mr. Obama?

Well, it’s Mr. Obama’s moment to shine. He seems to crave moments that allow him to be in control and to look his best. All of that is usually accomplished through the membrane of a tele-prompter.

Pundits words fill the blogoshpere with predictions of those things that Mr. Obama will focus on and why. Some of the predictions are sure to be more informed than others. One blogger, Andrew Golis (editor of Yahoo!’s News blogs), listed five questions he thought needed answered by Mr. Obama considering the state of things in the Union since the Massachusetts’s Shocker.

1. Can he reclaim the role of "changer in chief"?
2. Will there be another "You lie!" moment?
3. What will he say about health care?
4. Does he have a sound bite that sticks?
5. Can he offer a hopeful economic vision?

That’s nice. But I thought there was only one question that needed to be answered. How many things will Mr. Obama either lie about or spin to put him in the best light and ease the concerns of a growing discontented populace?

I know, I seem to be a serious skeptic here. Well, what do you expect? Try this experiment. On a sheet of paper, list as many things as you can that shows how Mr. Obama actually did what he said he would do. Here’s mine:

• Ahhh
• Hmmm

OK, so I can’t think of any. Your turn.

Anyway, if you choose to tune in tonight and catch the President’s State of the Union address, it might be just as important to try and determine what the State of Mr. Obama is. In my opinion this president has difficulty being genuine. He tends to say things for looks. He also tends to say things to spin a message. If he can say the right things and gain even a tiny degree of trust among his fellow Americans, he can then go on and do what he really wants while America looks the other way.

The times in this country are just too dangerous to be caught looking the other way. Watch this guy like a hawk and take nothing for granted. Only in this way can we hope to keep the state of this Union in the safe harbor of the Constitution of the United States.


Paul W. West, Author said...

Like I said earlier, the Gadianton Robbers have taken over the government.

BasicGuy said...

So, what are they known as today?

Paul W. West, Author said...
