Well, it's been a while since I last posted. I've wanted to, but no profound thought has surfaced to the top. I know, you're thinking that nothing profound has ever risen to the top with me. That might be more accurate than I'd like to admit. Nevertheless, something finally surfaced and I'm going to share it.
I have thought about broadening my subject matter in this blog. I've tried it before, but it didn't last. I always keep gravitating back to one thing. Why am I so hung up on politics? I love photography, but I couldn't get that to stick for more than one blog. I love my family, but even that was hard to maintain in any consistent form. I even tried lessons learned from life and failed there also. I guess there is only one thing left to do... politics. I just wish I was more insightful.
Well, all I have to share today is this. Mr. Obama is going to lose the election this November (2012). I agree with Rush Limbaugh... I think he will lose by a larger margin than the polls indicate at this point in the race. Mr. Obama will lose because he deserves to lose. Misguided policies and the lack of real leadership and free enterprise know-how have doomed him. True blooded Americans, who have noticed such political weaknesses in the president and have largely kept their suspicions to themselves, will overwhelmingly vote against him in the secret confines of the voting booth.
Yet, even though I truly believe all of that, Mr. Obama, in the end, will still claim victory. In his self-ingrained arrogance, Mr. Obama will see victory in defeat. Why? Because he will glory in the fact that he successfully duped the American people. He'll declare that Americans are stupid and easy to manipulate. All you have to do is feed them lies and deny accusations; carefully spin your message so it looks like you are there to help them; pin opposing messages as intolerant; and fine-tune the blame game... it's always the other guys fault.
The sad part about this scenario, which will play out later this year and into 2013, is that he'll be right. As I've written before, Mr. Obama got where he is by being a convenient American, Christian, and black man. He used these things to manipulate voters to back him and he has used Americans and American institutions ever since as his personal play-thing. Why? Because he could.
I hope we as a nation and a people learn something from all of this. Our country is precariously close to a cliff constitutionally, financially, and politically. We cannot afford to let this happen again. Basically speaking, wake up America! If we don't, there will be no America as we know it left to awaken.
I hope your first premise is correct and your last premise is wrong, but I fear it's probably right as well.
You're right Paul... it's tough medicine. However, if it happens the way I suggest it could happen, I personally believe it will be a wake up call for many Americans. That could be a very good thing.
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