Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Train"ing the Mind

Riding a commuter train to and from work can provide a revelation almost every day. You see so many different people; the variety is amazing. For the most part they mind their own business hunkered down in some carefully controlled little world. Most a busy with something... though some slumber away the miles and frequent stops.

As I looked around today, I noticed that some were lost in a book. A few were texting on their cell phones. The normal number were nodding their heads to tunes on iPods. One was carrying on a rather loud argument with his wife on his cell phone. It sounded like a divorce in the making. Another had his laptop on his lap, probably unable to leave work at the office. Still, a handful were talking, friends on their way home from college classes.

Now, it's not that any of these things are wrong or bad, some might even be necessary. However, there is another activity that could benefit anyone who tries it. I call it "train"ing the mind. Not bad for a Basicguy, huh. Just what is "train"ing the mind? Consider what you can learn by listening, thinking, and writing.

One of my sons and his wife gave me a small leather notebook for Father's Day for this very purpose. It's a place that I write thoughts and impressions while on the train. The process has made me a better person; a more thoughtful person. I'm also a more confident person because I carefully think things through and have a better idea which direction I need to go. Basically speaking, focused thinking and writing enriches my life.

Now, I know I'm just a Basicguy and you might feel I lack some expert degree to be talking about such a thing. Forget about me and just give it a try. what can you lose? Some sleep? Not every one rides a train everyday, but everyone has down time somewhere in the day. find your down moments and make some of them a little more productive. I did.

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