Monday, December 22, 2008

The Only Bail Out I Like

Is anyone else out there getting just a little fed up with the increasing bail out talk? How many bail outs can the US taxpayer cover? I guess the answer to that is how many future generations of Americans you include in your calculation. From Wall Street to Main Street and all those in between (even states are asking for a bail out!), the numbers are staggering. Of course, to a basicguy like me, I was more than staggered at the initial $700 billion.

Like many normal people out there, I opposed all of the bail outs. Practices like financial planning, an organized budget, and living within your means are apparently too old school for the financial wiz kids that supposedly know much more than me. I hoped that congress and the offending financial institutions would come to their senses and begin to show some restraint. But I guess that was a bit too much to ask.

Why? Because we have a president-elect (you know, the one whose going to change the world for the better?) who is planning yet another bail out. You heard me, another bail out. And this one offends me more than them all. Obama's transition team is calling for "dramatic policy reversals on abortion, including $1 billion in taxpayer money for international abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. The report, titled 'Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration,' also calls for a 133-percent increase in funding for the Title X program, which funds Planned Parenthood clinics across the country."

So much for change, huh? Not only am I opposed to bail outs in general, but I am also opposed to abortion, particularly those performed for casual reasons. How can we even consider bailing out an industry that encourages the demise of 1.4 million people. That's right, I said people. Most aborted babies would grow up to be living breathing, productive Americans... future generations that could help us grow our population and income potential as a nation. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

It seems to me that maybe I am in favor of bail outs after all. If America was a plane, it might be helpful if some of our worst offending members of society bailed out without a chute! Maybe then, saner minds would prevail and our country could be set back onto a more financial secure path. However, I am only a basicguy.