Saturday, October 13, 2007

Basically Speaking

A few friends have asked about the use of "basic" in many of my descriptions: basic blab; basic guy; basic thoughts; basic thinker; etc. Well it pretty much stems from my high school experience. I attended Basic High School. No joke. It's as real as money (well, some might challenge the reality of money). I can honestly say that I have a basic education. So, whenever I choose to share a thought in this type of forum, basically speaking, its from a basicguy.

Speaking of basic. I think we need more basic people in the world. Let me rephrase that. I think we need more exposure to basic people in the world. Wasn't there a show once--one of those news magazines--that had a guy traveling to select cities, finding a basic name in the phone book, and doing a story about something unique in that families life? There were some pretty interesting stories.

What do we get? Brittany Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, Howard Stern, Nicole Richey, Obama, Hillary, All Gore. What's basic about these people? In a word, nothing. I find most of the people in the news are overrated. They get show time when what they have to offer should garner no time. People living basic lives generally offer more depth and humanity than those in the lime light. But that's just the opinion of a basicguy.

However, basically speaking, if basic people were thrust into the center of the world's attention, would they remain basic? I would hope so. Some would be tempted and even drawn by the allure of popularity--the world's praise. But I think most would prefer the stardom enjoyed in their little world rather than the world at large.

As for me, I can't think of anyone in the news or in Hollywood or in the political arena that I would rather be--just a basicguy.

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