Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Basic Blab

Is anyone out there as concerned with the state of things in the good ole USA as I am? I hope I'm not alone. But as I overhear conversations at work, listen to reporters on TV, and read the news, I get the feeling that forces are moving the world I've known in new, but concerning directions. More and more people seem to be embracing things that have always been hands off for me. Sometimes it feels like my world is shrinking around me.

You're probably wondering what I'm blabbing about. I suppose that is what you get from someone with a "basic" education.

Why is it that more and more people are looking for handouts? Would rather play for a living instead of work? Who often cheat their employer? Who hope to sue for wealth instead of saving their money? "It's the easy way or no way"… way more selfish than self-less… thinking only of self instead of the greater good.

I know I shouldn't pick on our congressmen this way (joke). Actually, you would be hard-pressed to find any organization or group of people that weren't severely affected by these influences. And just think, I haven't even scratched the surface of those things that are more concerning than these.

As the world gets uglier by the day, its important to find those who are doing their best to counter-balance the negative. I think I'll watch for examples for a couple of days and report what I find. In the meantime, be good for change. :-)

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