Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Come to the Summit

I suppose it shouldn't be too hard to understand that a basicguy like me, just doesn't get! It is a hard pill to swallow when you find out you're not as smart as you thought you were. I mean, I have a Basic education (again, that's my high school's name), but I guess its just not enough. What am I talking about?

Health care. That's right, health care. I mean, I really care about health care. Don't you? If you don't, you haven't paid for a doctor's bill or medicine recently. It's obvious the presidential candidates do... at least they keep talking about it. The dems all seem to believe that the best way to fix the problem is to turn it all over to the federal government, they'll fix it. You know, the way they've fixed welfare and social security... with that track record we shouldn't let the government within 100 miles of the health care system. What are the republicans saying? Not much. Their answer is more about letting things ride to see if the market adjusts and eventually provides relief.

The real surprise to me is what the private health care professionals seem to be doing about it. They just keep billing the insurance companies as if they are deep pockets who in turn reach into the pockets of us plain old consumers.

Does it look like anyone really wants to seriously deal with the issue?

Now I know I'm just a basicguy, but basically speaking, if I had anything to do with it, I'd hold a summit on the health care crisis. Key industry practitioners, administrators, and thinkers in the private sector would be invited to attend. I'd lay down the simple truth that leaving things as they are would produce ever more expensive care and force Americans to choose the government/socialized options being spewed out by the dems just to make health more affordable. That solution would be a disaster for the private sector... and for me, and you. Yet people are slowly embracing the idea of national health care.

However, wouldn't it be better if the health care industry worked together to find practical solutions to the problem that allowed them to continue in business and yet provide excellent health care that the rest of the world dreams about? Americans have often stepped up when an identified crisis called. American ingenuity and hard work bailed us out of financial collapse and wars. Why not health care? Let's give them a chance.

So, Mr. or Mrs. President, invite them to "Come to the Summit". It seems to me that common folk, with a common goal, can work together to provide for the greater good. In the end everyone benefits. So, basically speaking, maybe its time to get back to basics. Why isn't anyone out there suggesting such a simple solution? I guess more people need a basic education.

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