Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Spectacle of Daily Spectacle

The other night my wife, daughter and I were playing on the internet. We were googling crazy words and things when the idea came to google our names. To my surprise my name listed pages of hits. As we looked through the lists, most referred to books I had help write and a published article. But one entry caught my eye. It was a blog called The Daily Spectacle. As I explored the site I realized it was kept by a liberal living in Salt Lake City.

This guy had somehow noticed a brief letter I had written to the editor of the Deseret Morning News. Unbeknownst to me, he had clipped my message and proceeded to rip me on my opinion. I had no idea it was there or that anyone had responded to my message... I had no opportunity to carry on a conversation. But it was kinda cool that he at least referred to me as "Mr." (see

As I read his thoughts on the subject, I noticed that he claimed to have read research on global warming and knew that it was for real. Science had determined that global warming was a man-made problem and that "scientists aren't pulling this research out of their [posterior]". Then he told naysayers to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh for scientific insights. I assume that he assumed that Rush was my source.

Well, all of that is very interesting. But I'm glad to report that as of today most scientists doubt anymore that global warming is a man-made phenomenon. In fact a report today indicates that the oceans temperature have actually cooled a bit. And who hasn't seen the BBC special "The Great Global Warming Swindle" on YouTube in 8 parts? (see

Well, I know I'm just a Basicguy, but seeing things in hindsight, maybe its better to listen to Rush Limbaugh with half a brain tied behind his back than to Al Gore (who seems to be this guys source for his science) who laughably invented the internet and listened to his mother sing the theme song for the AFL-CIO as a babe in a crib years before it was written. Take your pick... but I know which one I'll listen to. Basically speaking, listen to the one who has no financial agenda... no reason to whip people into a frenzy and to make panicked choices that allow big special interests groups to rake in the bucks.


Paul W. West, Author said...

Hey. I like your new look.

As you know, I'm an environmental biologist. I've studied, well read up on the subject of global warming and have definitely come to an opinion. Note that it's an opinion, not a scientific fact. As far as I can tell, the science of this matter is still out.

Have you read Michael Crichton's (sp) book "State of Fear?" It’s a great novel. He did a lot of research and I think he put it right. Global warming may (note the operative "may") be happening, but it's not being caused by us puny humans.

Take for example the changing ocean currents. They are what influence the weather around the globe. So, what's been happening? Well, how about underwater volcanoes? Seismologists have detected more underwater volcanoes in the past several years than ever before. What happens when they erupt? Hot water. This hot water changes the ocean currents and warms the air, and “warms” the globe. But! And I think this is interesting. Parts of the world are actually cooling. Hmm! Why is that? Well, if you look at the Antarctic ice shelf, part of it is melting, just as the global warming crowd claims. But on the far side of the continent, the ice is getting thicker. Horrors! How can that be happening? It’s called changing ocean currents caused by the underwater volcanoes.

It’s my opinion, since the science is still out, that so-called global warming is being caused by underwater volcanoes, not our puny efforts to pollute the atmosphere with our exhaust emissions. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all in favor of clean air. But I don’t think we need to put our industry and out transportation systems out of business to accomplish that.

BasicGuy said...

I'm with you Paul. The green-machine has an agenda and wants to force nations to cough up cash to fix a problem that doesn't exist. I'm not quite sure wht they have to gain by impoverishing nations, but that seems to be what they are willing to do to get their way. Maybe they just feel better believing that mankind is generally evil and the blame for all the planets ills. Regardless, if there is global warming, there are far better reasons for the change than man. Anyway, great insights. Thanks.