Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thinking Outside YOUR Box

Has anyone ever told you that you need to "think outside the box"? I get it on occasion. Sometimes it comes out at work too. Just what does it mean to "think outside the box"? What is a person really saying to you when inviting to "think outside the box"?

For me, a Basicguy, it makes me wonder. In a corporate setting, when your company pays a group big money to promote fresh ideas and exciting change among employees, thinking outside the box is a common idea. I know, I've been there. But think about it, if you're to think outside the box, aren't you really being encouraged to think outside of your box? And here's the kicker, isn't the person inviting you to "think outside the box" really asking you to think "inside" his or her box? So, when it comes to boxes, who's box is it best to think in?

Now, obviously there must be something to this "thinking outside the box" idea or it wouldn't continue to come up. So when does it make the most sense to think outside the box? I suppose that each of us tend to slip into ruts. We all recognize ruts, they are part of human nature. Thinking outside the box can dislodge a rutted person and set them on a new path.

Another important way to think outside the box is to put yourself in the shoes of another or to try to see things through someone else's eyes. This can help us feel needed compassion for others and become more responsible members of society.

Maybe there are some benefits in business for employees to "think outside the box", but I see more intrinsic value for families, neighborhoods, communities, and nations. Basically speaking, it makes a lot of sense to "think outside YOUR box" as often as you can. In the end the world would be a better place to live in.


Paul W. West, Author said...

I hate it when I'm told to think outside the box. I think it's because, like you said, I can't help wondering who's box am I supposed to think "in?" Usually, it's my bosses box, who doesn't really understand what I do or why? So, I'm supposed to think like him/her just to make him/her happy - not because it will make a difference in what I do or how effectively I do it.

BasicGuy said...

Well said, Paul. It's true isn't it? However, there are those rare few who's boxes are worth thinking in. I suppose we need to be wise enough to recognize them.

BasicGuy said...

Well said, Paul. It's true isn't it? However, there are those rare few who's boxes are worth thinking in. I suppose we need to be wise enough to recognize them.